Sea snake meat processing method

Sea snake meat is a nutrient-rich seafood. Besides its delicious food, the meat also has a medical function. It has a hurricane, dampness, meridians, blood circulation, nourishing and strong, making the skin smooth and not sore. Coastal snake resources are abundant in China's coastal areas and special efforts have been made to develop them.

Nutritional ingredients (sea snake meat)

Protein 13.0 to 15.0% Fat 0.21 to 0.25% Ash 0.88 to 0.93% Moisture 82.8 to 84.5% Calcium 71.5 mg/100 g Phosphorus 180.0 mg/100 g Iron 0.64 mg/100 g Potassium 249.0 mg/100 g Sodium 74.2 mg/100 Magnesium 20.0 mg/100 g

Process flow

Live sea snake head to remove viscera skinning clean meat dry packaging products

Production Method

1. Go to the head of snake

The sea snake has a poisonous head and its venom is highly toxic. Therefore, first cut the head of a live snake. Wear protective gloves when handling. With a spade about 50 centimeters long, place the snake neck slightly behind and cut off 2 centimeters from the snake's eyes.

2. In addition to internal organs

The abdomen of the snake is cut open from the beginning to the end. The intestines, liver, lungs, gallbladder, and fat are removed. The serpentine is carefully separated from the internal organs and processed for medicinal purposes.

3. Peeling

From the beginning of decapitation, until the tail. Note the complete peeling of the tail and prevent tearing or tearing of the skin.

4. Cleaning

Wash skinned snakes with water to remove blood and other contaminants.

5. Pick meat

The washed snake body took a prone position, cut the meat from the head to the tail with a knife and cut into 15 cm pieces of meat.

6. Drying

Electric blast drying method (70 °C) or sunlight natural drying method. Avoid mixing of foreign matter during the drying process.

7. Packaging

The sea snake meat dried to a suitable storage was quantitatively packaged in a polyethylene film bag. The general net weight of 50 grams or 100 grams per bag.

8. Storage

The storage of sea snake meat is closely related to the moisture content and is related to the storage conditions. The moisture content is 20%. It can be stored at room temperature for 54 days. The water content is 11%. It can be stored at room temperature for more than 160 days. The use of a desiccant in the storage container can extend the storage period. For example, if the water content is below 15% and the storage period exceeds 160 days, the color, quality and flavor of the product will not change.

Quality Standard

1. Sensory instructions

The length is 140~160mm, the width is 10~25mm, and the thickness is 1~2mm.

Bao Ze: brown.

Odor: The inherent smell of sea snake meat, no odor.

2. Water content: ≤ 15%.

3. Hazardous substances: The contents of mercury, arsenic, lead, and copper all meet food hygiene standards.

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