Pay attention to cool vegetables in summer

In summer, the temperature inside the greenhouse is high, the water evaporates quickly, and the soil is often in a state of drought. When the greenhouse temperature exceeds the suitable range of vegetable growth, it will affect the normal growth of vegetables, and it needs to take certain cooling measures. The method is as follows:

1. Ventilation. The method of natural ventilation shall be used to open the air outlet to the maximum, and the air outlet shall be provided with an insect-proof net to prevent the invasion of external pests. Ventilation can promote indoor and outdoor heat exchange, which is conducive to cooling.

2. shading and cooling. Mainly used to cover the shade net or put the curtain, etc., generally shading 20% ​​to 40%, can cool down 2 °C ~ 4 °C.

3. Evaporation consumes heat. Insulate the greenhouse with well water or spray water, increase the evaporation of the soil, and ventilate it to prevent excessive air humidity in the greenhouse. At the same time, well water can be sprayed on the roof of the greenhouse to achieve cooling effect.

4. Cover crop stalks. The comminuted crop stalk was covered in the vegetable operation line and the test showed that the ground temperature could be lowered by 4°C to 5°C. By covering the crop stalks, not only the ground temperature will not rise rapidly due to the increase of outside air temperature, but also the soil moisture will be kept so that it will not evaporate too quickly. Covering the crushed crop stalks can be directly ploughed into the soil as a base fertilizer after the vegetable is pulled out, which can increase the content of soil organic matter.

The above methods can be used together to achieve better results.

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