å’‹Distinguish between zinc deficiency and magnesium deficiency in maize

Corn is a crop that is sensitive to zinc fertilizers. The timely application of zinc fertilizer is an economical and effective way to promote corn production.

What causes zinc deficiency in corn? The first is improper fertilization. Due to the excessive application of phosphate fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer or excessively applied organic fertilizer in the cultivation of wheat or corn in recent years, phosphorus and zinc in the soil have been induced to resist antagonism (anti-antagonism is the presence of a certain amount of ions in the soil solution. Can inhibit the absorption of the crop from another segregant.

Secondly, the soil showed varying degrees of saline-alkali waterlogging. In recent years, in order to increase production without paying attention to balanced fertilization, blindly increasing input costs, applying a large amount of inorganic fertilizers and neglecting the effects of organic fertilizers, severely damaged the granule structure of the soil, resulting in severe salinization of the soil. happened.

In addition, the neutralization of pesticides also causes the occurrence of zinc deficiency in soil. Due to the use of pesticides such as herbicides, fungicides, etc., while increasing production at the time of labor saving, the heavy metals in the soil are seriously exceeded, and there are mutual antagonistic effects between the trace elements, so the soil will have different levels of zinc deficiency. Phenomenon, such as glyphosate and zinc, iron and other metals in the soil, neutralize and lose their activity.

Zinc fertilizer can generally be based on, top dressing, foliar spray, seed dressing and soaking.

1. Jishi. When sowing corn, use 150 grams of alum per gram of granular zinc or zinc sulfate 1 to 2 kilograms, mixing fine dry soil 10 to 15 kilograms, applied in the soil before sowing or with the broadcast chemical fertilizer applied together. Generally, low application of zinc fertilizer can play a quarterly application, effective in two quarters, and can increase production by 15% to 20% per acre.

2. Topdressing. With zinc sulfate 1 ~ 1.5 kg or 150 grams of wolfberry granules zinc, mix fine dry soil 10 ~ 15 kg, from the seedling stage to the jointing stage or application. Applying zinc fertilizer can increase corn production by 7% to 10.2%.

3. Leaf spraying. The concentration of zinc sulfate foliar spray is 0.1% to 0.3%. Mu with 5 ml of zinc or 30 g of zinc sulfate against a bucket of water, respectively, corn in the seedling stage, jointing stage sprayed once, severely deficient zinc soil need to be sprayed in the big bell mouth again.

4. Seed dressing. 4 to 6 grams of zinc sulfate per kilogram of seed, the first to dissolve zinc sulfate in water, the general fertilizer accounted for 7% to 10% of the seed weight, evenly sprayed on the seed until the seedlings dry.

Magnesium is one of the ingredients that make up chlorophyll, which is directly related to the photosynthesis performance of corn. Magnesium is an important activator in biochemical reactions. Magnesium can promote the respiration of corn, and magnesium plays an important role in the metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins. The lack of magnesium in corn first presents symptoms from the old leaves of the base because the magnesium in the old leaves is transferred to the new leaves. A yellow or orange stripe appears in the middle of the veins. After this stripe appears, it forms a rosary-like white necrotic spot. Finally, the leaf cell tissue is dead.

The lack of zinc in corn will reduce the content of tryptophan, thus affecting the synthesis of auxin. The cell wall cannot be elongated due to lack of auxin, and the internodes of plants are shortened. Zinc deficiency in the seedling stage of maize, chlorosis between young veins, pale yellow or white, it is also known as "white seedling disease." In addition, the veins in the middle and upper leaves become thinner and translucent yellow stripes. Zinc deficiency in the middle and late stages of growth is mainly due to chlorosis between veins, resulting in pale yellow and light green stripes, and severe brownish necrosis. Planting males and delaying silking time can easily cause bald head or lack of grain.

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