Chickens feed celery more

Celery is a good feed for chickens. After laying hens, laying hens can increase egg production by 15% to 20%. To feed hens with celery, the following two methods are generally used:

1. Each layer is fed 3 times a week for about 50 grams each time. The celery leaves were directly fed and the celery stems were chopped and fed into the compound feed.

2. Use 1 kg of celery and add 1.7 kg of water to cook for about 5 minutes. Take the juice and allow the layer to drink freely. The cooked celery is chopped and mixed into the compound feed. Note that the celery used must be fresh.

Fat contains more linoleic acid and less oleic acid. The effective ingredients of mushrooms can enhance the function of T lymphocytes, thereby improving the body's ability to resist various diseases. Mushrooms contain crude fiber, semi-rough fiber and lignin that are difficult for the human body to digest. It can maintain the water balance in the intestine, absorb excess cholesterol and sugar and expel it from the body. It can prevent constipation, bowel cancer, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, etc Both are very beneficial and have a significant effect on lowering blood pressure.

Hard Wood Oyster Mushroom Spawn

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Shandong Qihe Bio Technology Co.,Ltd. ,