Peach locust control:

Peach trees are easy to grow, but their ability to resist diseases and insect pests is weak. They are most vulnerable to locusts, red spiders, and long-lived cows, and they are prone to brown spot, leaf lobe, and trunk turbid fluid. There are three common aphids that harm peach trees: Peach, Peach, and Peach. Peach red peony and peach whitefly are common hazards, and peach pod borer only harms in local areas. The locusts sprouted each spring in the peach tree, gathered peach twigs and young leaves, and pierced the sap with a slender needle into the tissue. The damaged peach leaves showed small black spots, red and yellow spots, The leaf is gradually pale and curled, and even falls off. It not only affects the formation of flower buds, but also weakens the tree vigor. Nectar excretion of honeydew, contaminated foliage and branch shoots impede the physiological function of peach trees, often causing bituminous coal disease, accelerating early leaves, and affecting growth.
The aphids that harm peach trees all harm peach trees in the early spring. In particular, from April to May, the aphid breeds fastest and is the most hazardous period. In the summer and autumn, it is harmed to other crops, and it is relocated to the peach trees before winter. Winter eggs. The following are the specific methods of prevention and treatment.
The critical period of chemical control is the incubation period of winter eggs, that is, the germination period of peach tree buds and the undamaged leaves of peach trees after defoliation. From flowering to early summer, one or two doses were re-used according to the situation of the year. In the case of a large amount of insects that can be returned to peach trees in the autumn, they can also be used once. The commonly used agents are 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 3000 times, or 10% cypermethrin EC 2000 times, or 80% dichlorvos oil 1500 times, 50% anti-inferior WP 2000 times, or 2.5% dichlormic EC 8000 times of liquid, or a net, rapid extermination and killing of pesticides such as D, and resistance to insecticide, can be used Lebenz 2000 times and 50% carbaryl 300 times after mixing spray control, or tobacco, lime ( 1:1) Water 60 to 80 times.
When the peach whitefly secretes wax powder and uses a poorly moisturizing agent, it is necessary to add 0.1 to 0.2% of neutral soap or O.5% of cow leather glue to the diluted liquid. For peach pods in leaf rolling, insecticides with systemic effects should be used. Pesticide aphid control effect is currently the best imidacloprid, but can not use dimethoate.
In the early stage of aphids (ie, the peach sprouting stage), the pesticide application method was applied to 70% omethoate EC, 3 portions of water were added to the stem, and the liquid was applied directly to the trunk with a brush. One trunk below) about 6 cm width. If the bark is rough, it can be scraped off and then coated. Do not injure the skin when repairing skin. After coating, wrap it with paper.
The hole-drilling method punches holes in the trunk and uses needles. On the branches, a slanting hole of 45 degrees was made from the top down to the xylem, and then 5 ml of methamidophos EC was injected into each well of the No. 9 injection needle. After 2 to 3 days after the application, the effect of fleas was obvious.
There are many kinds of natural enemies for the protection of natural enemies, such as the seven-spotted ladybug, the big grasshopper, the flies, and the parasitoids, which have a very strong control over the aphids. Large grasshoppers can prey on 4000 to 5000 locusts during their lifetime. To protect these natural enemies, the number of fight drugs can be appropriately reduced.

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