High-yield planting technology

Hey, also called glutinous rice, six millet. Using seeds and medicine as a medicine, it has the functions of invigorating spleen, removing sputum, stopping diarrhea, and removing heat and pus. The price was low for the first two years, only 4 to 4.5 yuan per kilogram, and the growers in the producing areas saw no profit. The planting area was reduced and the output was reduced. By the second half of 2005, the business inventory was empty, the sales momentum turned fast, and the price quickly picked up. Currently, the sales price per kilogram is 6.7-7 yuan, and the development and planting can be resumed in 2006. The current high-yielding cultivation techniques are described as follows: Appropriate growing environment: 薏苡 hi warm and humid climate and sunny, resistant to drought and drought. Appropriate growth temperature 25 °C ~ 30 °C, annual rainfall above 1200mm, air relative humidity of 75% ~ 80%, soil moisture content of about 30%. The soil is not strict, but it is better to use fertile loam that is moist, neutral or slightly acidic and has strong water retention. Selecting land preparation: Choose fertile loam or clay loam to facilitate irrigation and planting. In the early spring, turn over the soil, apply 2500-3000kg per acre, 30kg of superphosphate, spread evenly into the soil surface, turn into the topsoil for basal fertilizer, and start from 120 ~130cm high. Breeding method: The wolfberry is usually seeded. 1 Seed selection and seed treatment: Select single plants with short stems, multiple branches, and dark-brown fruit husks as the parent breeding strains. When the fruit matures, it is harvested separately and reserved for seed use. At the time of sowing, seeds of full and shiny seeds were selected. 2 Seed treatment: In order to improve the germination rate, neat germination and prevent smut. Seeds are soaked in 5% lime water or 1:1:100 Bordeaux mixture for 24 hours, removed and rinsed with clean water until no black water is present, and seed dressing is applied with 20% difenoxin per kilogram of seed to prevent smut. 3 Sowing: The sowing date varies depending on the variety. Early maturing species are in mid-March, middle maturing species are in late March to early April, and late-maturing species are sown in late April to early May. The sowing density also varies depending on the species. Premature plant spacing 25cm20cm, 40cm35cm and late cooked species, late-maturing species 55cm 45cm. Digging deep 5 ~ 7cm, sowing 5 to 6 seeds per hole, covering the earth flat surface. Field management: 1 Cultivated and weeding seedlings: Cockroaches are used for 3 times of cultivating and weeding in the growing season. When the seedling height is 10 cm, it is carried out once. Combined with thinning, 3 to 4 strong seedlings per hole are left. The second time when the seedling height was 30cm, the loose soil removed the weeds and promoted the tillering. When the height of the seedlings is 40-50 cm, the third time is performed when the plants are not sealed, and soil is combined to promote root growth and prevent lodging of the plants. 2 Top-dressing: The former two times combined with cultivating and weeding, the first time the plant turns from black to yellow, 1000 kg of urea or 5 kg of urea per mu will be used to promote the growth of seedlings that are robust and more productive. The second time during the booting stage, 1500kg of urea or urea 7.5kg per acre, plus superphosphate 20kg, is beneficial to booting. The third time in the three-leaf stage, ie, flowering stage, spraying with 2% superphosphate solution twice, every 5 to 7 days, to promote more seed and full seeds, increase production. 3 to strengthen water management: planting field management, to wet, dry, water, wet, dry and interphase management, namely wet nursery, jointing drought, water and ear, foot water, wet grouting, dry field harvest. More water is needed in the early stage of growth, moisture is appropriately controlled during the middle growth period, moisture is maintained from sowing to emergence, and after emergence to a certain number of tillers, water should be released for a few days to control excessive delivery. When the plants are 50 to 70 days old after they are in the jointing stage, in order to prevent lodging, water is strictly controlled at this time. The booting and filling stages should be filled with water once a day to keep enough water, but water should not be accumulated. Watering was stopped 10 days before maturity for harvesting. 4 In addition to the leaves: After the jointing of the plants is stopped, the leaves and the leaves below the first branch should be promptly removed in order to facilitate ventilation and ventilation; promote the thick growth of stems and prevent lodging. 5 pollination: 薏苡 is male and female with different plants, using artificial pollination can increase seed setting rate, increase production. Pest control: 1 Smut: Seeds soaked in warm water at 60°C for 30 minutes or soaked in boiling water for 5 to 8 seconds, or soaked in 1:1:100 Bordeaux for 24 to 72 hours. The diseased plants were found to be removed in a timely manner and burned in a concentrated manner to prevent reinfection. 2 Insect pests: Occurrence of artificial killing or spray with pesticides. 3 corn borer: In May and August before the spawning, the black spotlight traps the adult at night; when the heart leaf is unfolded, it is filled with 50% of the 200g liquid of the pine nut oil. The plants can be harvested when the stems and leaves of the plants are withered from September to October in the year of planting, and 80% of the fruits are light brown or yellow.

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