Strengthening food safety Shanghai's focus on remediation of waste oil

On the afternoon of April 19th, Vice Mayor Shen Xiaoming held a special meeting on food safety to analyze the current food safety issues, research and deployment to further advance the city's food safety rectification work. The meeting decided that in the near future the city organizes and conducts a period of half a year to focus on food safety special rectification activities, focusing on rectifying the illegal addition of non-edible substances, abuse of food additives, and waste oil.

The meeting pointed out that the current food safety work in this Municipality should not only handle the investigation and handling of "problem gimmicks" cases, but also look for weaknesses, find weaknesses, and make up for management loopholes; it is also necessary to investigate food safety hazards and carry out centralized rectification of major food safety hazards. It is required that in the work of rectification, weak links should be grasped, mechanism must be built, departments should be connected, and atmosphere should be created to achieve periodical results.

The meeting requested that governments and departments at all levels must fully understand the importance of food safety rectification work, and must further promote food safety rectification work with a high sense of responsibility. The work of rectification must not only be carried out in a down-to-earth manner, but must also be based on the construction of a long-term mechanism. For the management of waste oil, it is necessary to control the source, manage the process, and form a mechanism; to strengthen the development of technical forces, in particular, to speed up the research on identification and detection technology of waste oil and improve the detection capability of hazardous food; to increase food safety awareness and achieve group defense Governance.

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